Monday, 28 March 2011

Steve Sedlar's Many Faces


Steve Sedlar as "Sean" the boy model. Steve is responsible for several now defunct websites that offered boys willing to "model" for paying admirers. Steve's websites also offered videos and images of children which would be legally classed as child pornography in many jurisdictions.


Steve being himself at home in the kitchen. Notice the wispy hair sticking out from beneath his beloved baseball cap. Steve was a regular visitor to Usenet message boards that offered advice on androgenic alopecia back in the 1990's.

"Logan Sperman"

Steve Sedlar as 14 year old "Logan Sperman".  In fact this isn't Steve at all but the image of an unknown teen whose videos may be seen on various video sharing websites. Steve began posing as "Logan" around 2005 on this website, before moving on to a fresh new video sharing site called YouTube. And the rest, as they say, is history.

(If you happen to recognize this person, please get in touch)

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